Placing Orders

  • Order Confirmation 
If your order wasn't successfully placed, you won't receive a order confirmation. 
  • Pending Charges
If you attempt to place an order on our website, but the order wasn't successful, the charges are usually just pending and should disappear as they won't be posted.
  • Order Fail
If you are attempting to place an order and it fails, this means your credit could not be succesfully authenticate by our merchant system. We suggest that you contact your bank to compare the information you are entering into the order and what they have on file.


Inventory Reporting

If items are showing on hand on our website, that is a real time reporting to our physical inventory reporting in Whitehorse, YT.

Special Orders 

If there is a product that you are looking for that you cannot find our on website. Please reach out to our team via ecom@trinittiech.ca to inquire if we are able to setup a order for your request.

Do you sell Apple products?

TRINITI Technology is an  Apple Authorized Reseller, however our agreement restricts any online listings of their products. Please reach out to your account manager for Apple solutions.


Where does our orders ship from?

If you are located in the Yukon the order will be fulfilled by our team in Whitehorse. However, for national orders this is dependent on the region and product that may lead it to be fulfilled by our distribution centre located in BC, AB, ON, or QC.

What can i expect for shipping cost?

Orders over $70 will receive free shipping in Canada, and if the order is less than $70 in order value before GST - the shipping will be $10. The only exception to this will be oversized and items heavier than 60lbs per piece.

How long does it take to receive my order?

This will vary based on where you are located. For orders in Whitehorse, it should be delivered within the same business day if processed before noon. 

For orders in the Yukon, it should be received within 2-3 business days from when the order is placed. 

For orders in the rest of Canada, if fulfilled from the Yukon should be received within 5-7 business days. Xpresspost orders should be received within 3-4 business days. 

Why are certain products excluded from being fulfilled outside the Yukon?

Due to the nature of shipping regulations and availability, there is some categories that we are unable to fulfill outside the Yukon and Northern BC.

 Yukon Government GST Exemption

For authorized purchasers in the Yukon Government, if you just send us an email at ecom@trinititech.ca with your yukon.ca email - we will be able to setup an online account where you will have GST exemption. The account will allow you to choose shipping to your location or buy online and pickup instore.